Thursday, August 09, 2012

An evening at the Jerusalem Wine Festival

I went to the Jerusalem Wine Festival last week and got roaring drunk enjoyed a few tastes of wine from wineries all over the country.

I also took a bunch of photos... when I could hold my camera straight. Here are some of them.

The crowd at the festival:

Wine Festival under the full moon

The booth of the Shiloh winery:

Shiloh's booth at the Wine Festival

More photos after the jump.

Har Bracha:

Har Bracha's booth at the Wine Festival

The Jerusalem Winery:

The Jerusalem Winery's booth at the Wine Festival


Arza's booth at the Wine Festival


Amphorae's booth at the Wine Festival


Stall at the Wine Festival

And they had cheeses. Oh, did they ever!

Cheeses for sale

They had live music, too:

The band

They also had MDA personnel on hand, just in case:

Magen David Adom personnel

The famous Ahava (love) sculpture:

Love sculpture, Israel Museum

Selling quiches. Mmmmm!

Selling quiches

And they had chocolates! Serious chocolates for serious chocolate-lovers:

Chocolates for sale

Then, during my travels, I came upon this structure that looks a bit like a small house. What could it be?

The library shack

I took a look inside, and... my God, it’s full of books!

The library

And as long as I’m riffing on lines from 2001, they even had a monolith.


Another monolith, this time with a moon:

Stone wall and moon

Finally, a wall with the Israeli flag and the moon:

Wall with flag and moon

Seriously, I didn’t get drunk at all. But I did enjoy the wine... and the liqueurs... and the apple cider... and the chocolate. Yes, the chocolate. Oh, did I mention the chocolate?


  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    And it was kosher! I'm glad to be back in the USA, but it's frustrating never being able to go to a festival and eat what's on offer.

  2. My little Rahel - shicker? Hoo-HAH!

    Great post, and clearly a fun evening. Wine, cheese, and choccie - what's not to like?


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