Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday Cats

And lots of them. I was in the downtown neighborhood of Nahlaot earlier this week. Nahlaot is a magical place, with gardens and old houses from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As you walk through it, you can forget that you’re right in the middle of downtown.

Like I said, there are lots of cats in Nahlaot. In fact, there are so many that the Jerusalem Society for the Welfare of Street Cats has plans to talk to the municipality about instituting a spaying and neutering programs like the one I heard about in Tel Aviv. Fortunately, awareness of the problem and humane solutions for it has increased a great deal over the past several years, so perhaps there’s hope.

Anyway, here are some of the cats of Nahlaot. (Click on any image to enlarge.)

I met these delightful fellows as I was doing an errand. Two orange, one black:

Cats in Nahlaot

Here they are in perfect formation:

Two orange cats in Nahlaot

Swish those tails, boys!

Two orange cats in Nahlaot

Some gorgeous green space in Nahlaot, complete with cat:

Green space in Nahlaot

Finally, this picture was not taken in Nahlaot. I took it outside the building where I work, where several of us care for a colony of cats. Here, Big Sister washes Little Brother:

Big sister washes little brother

(Check out the 111th edition of the Friday Ark, up at The Modulator. This week’s Carnival of the Cats will be up on Sunday at Crazy Meezer.)

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